SCHOOL HOLIDAY BEGANNNNNN:) This CNY what you guys do at home? HAAAAAAA majority will say "sleep". Biasa dah dengar... Seronok ke tidur ni? Well. i always slept on night and just sometimes tidur petang masa p-e-n-a-t. but this holiday break kan belum start lagi hahahahahahaaaa. Masa korang nak baca mende kat bawah tu jgn lupa tau... BACA LAJU LAJU. cus that the way i
CRUSHSiapa ada crush? well everybody ada crush. Huh? 'everybody' ? BUT me seriously have no crush for this time being. *uhuk uhuk* who believe me? hahahaaa ye serious. but me is in progress find a crush. is it sounds horrible? no it sounds creepy. haha tapi ada lah. FIZO omar. he's my crush. Masa kecik2 dulu pernah terpikir nak kawen dengan dia hahahahhaah *itu kelakar. you know what? fizo omar dah ada girlfriend. why?????? KENAPA. Korang tahu girlfriend dia siapa.... girlfriend dia perempuan. haha okay girlfriend dia lawa. and i hate that. why fizo why? why u choose her? why not me? lol sedangkan fizo kenal aku pun tk hahaa. aku ada crush lagi, nama dia Aiman Hakim Ridza. Dia pun dah ada girlfriend. Nama *tuutttttt* rahsia....... but i know her. Know her name je hahaha. but his girlfriend is beautiful. tk tipu.. aiman pun aku pernah nak kawen dengan dia hahaha *terbukak keaiban aku* but that time i was tooooooo fanatic with vanila coklat's drama and to in love with Amir Ashraff hahaha then i realize.. its only drama. *DRAMA* my last crush is when i was 13. lama kan? and after that, just minat lelaki mcm2 tu je. "oh he handsome." "oh he's adorable" "oh he's nice" "oh he's damn cute" "oh that" "oh this' and lastly i stuck with a guy. Haaaa ni citer betul. not bad on looking. cute - not. Handsome - not. but idk. i just like that guy. 'like' cenggini (Y) but still in early 'like'. well i like to share bout my life with myself hahahahaaaaaa *so stupid statement*. i miss sabah. *erk. asal keluar statement ni* i miss sabah and certain people. and this one week holiday make me urgh. "wana, what's you babbling around?" ala lek ah. My blog. Lantak cek ah nak update apa pun kan, apa masalah hang ? so some sentences *ceh mcm subject bi* mmg tk logik sbb tadi kata takde crush. well crush aku dah di 'crash' wahaha weiiii tengok men in black lah... baru start :p hmm apa aku nak merepek lagi? agaknya ni je kot. eh jappppp. next week kalau boleh nak jumpa bebudak krk. miss them so much especially fadh. FADH i miss u very much. i miss them. but idk if they can go out with me. i miss add, aini, skin, mith, khai, alya..... and the boys. etc: syahir (mostly), norman, mirul, eri, topek, wan :) and the teachers gak. idk why even aku sekolah situ berapa bulan je i love them very much. *dah lari topik*
so kesimpulannya.................... crush itu penting untuk kita supaya kita lebih rajin datang ke sekolah. homework pulak jangan lupa siapkan! well my homework the very sikit lah! petik jari kaki je hahaa k boi Wasalam.